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ReActor2 captures the movements of an untethered performer – free to move in a capture area bordered by modular bars that fasten together. The digital detectors embedded in the frame provide full coverage of performers while minimizing blocked markers. The Instant Marker Recognition instantly reacquires blocked markers for clean data. This means less post processing and a more efficient motion capture pipeline.


  • 3D Character animation for TV, Movies & Games
  • Live Performance Animation
  • Sports & Biomedical Analysis
  • Human Performance Assessment
  • Rehabilitative Assessment/Feedback


544 digital detectors in fixed frame surrounds performer Detectors in frame surround performer and receive signals from markers. Compare to "cameras" in passive systems employing only 6-24 cameras. Unprecedented coverage of performer catches every move with far fewer occlusions than passive optical systems. True to life data. Spend less time cleaning data in post and more time animating.
42 LEDs embedded in each active infra-red marker With 30 markers on the performer's body, a total of (30x42) = 1260 LEDs flash at 900 Hz. High Accuracy of 3 mm and wide angle field of view of each marker produce unprecedented coverage and highest quality data. True to life data. Spend less time cleaning data in post and more time animating.
Real-time engine From capture to rendering of character, there is a true real-time workflow. Allows director to direct characters rather than actors. Actors get real-time feedback of performance, and are able to modify behavior to suit the character. More realistic production. Less re-takes. More time focused on performance rather than the technology.
Instant Marker Recognition Technology (1) Each marker is tagged with individual identity and flash in time sequence so detectors always know location of marker. Virtually no occlusions, and therefore less data gaps. Spend less time cleaning data in post and more time animating.
Instant Marker Recognition Technology (2) Each marker is assigned to a body part via FusionCore Software. Performer can exit and enter tracking area without time-consuming recalibration. Performer can take a break without production delay. Performer is able to run from outside frame to inside the frame to achieve momentum in running sequences. Efficient production pipeline with extended flexibility.
Solid state electronics No moving parts, no cameras, no light bulbs. No maintenance. Less time and cost associated with maintaining, calibrating, and operating the system. No down time and more mocap time. Project real cost of system over time.
Prop tracking Multiple markers can be used in frame to track separate performers and props. Eases post production pipeline by tracking props in original mocap take. Efficient production pipeline with extended flexibility.
Solid cubic frame Sturdy aluminum frame with embedded detectors negates need for separate tripods. Easy set up and start up. No continuing calibration, no moving parts and no maintenance. Focus on the performers, not the technology!



* pdficon.gif (224 bytes) ReActor®2 brochure



Quantity of markers 30 active optical markers; 27 LEDs per marker
Capture rate 900 measurements/sec.
Interface Ethernet
Included software FusionCore™ capture controller for real-time visualization, editing, and export to applications software
Supported software Supports Kaydara MOTIONBUILDER™ and MOCAP™ and most animation packages
Metallic distortion None
Ambient light Auto compensation for changing light
Noise interference None
Computer Dual Pentium processor PC with ReActor interface and FusionCore software
Belt Pack 5.08cm x 2.54cm x 11.7cm; 900 grams
Batteries 5cm x 13cm; 227 grams / 30 min. life
Frame 12 aluminum bars with linear sensor array
Height upgrade Increase to 3.0m (544 detectors embedded in this frame size)
Model Number Capture Area Frame Dimensions
342 3.0m x 4.2m x 2.4m 4.11m x 5.31m x 2.54m
332 3.0m x 3.0m x 2.4m 4.11m x 3.14m x 2.54m


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